- "Mirage" I. Digital graphics, 2000
- "Mirage" II. Digital graphics, 2000"Mirage" II. Digital graphics, 2000
- "Masks". Digital graphics, 1999
- "Heavenly love" Drawing, collage, 2005, (52 x 40 cm)
- "Key to Ice Age" I. Drawing 2002, (48 x 35 cm)
- "Key to Ice Age" II. Drawing 2002, (44 x 33 cm)
- "Key to Ice Age" III. Drawing 2002, (48 x 35 cm)
- "Many roads and all imaginary" I. Drawing, collage, 2005, (51 x 38 cm)
- "Many roads and all imaginary" II. Drawing, collage, 2005, (51 x 38 cm)
- "Mechanisms". Drawin, collage, 2006, (58 x 48 cm)
- "Mirror. Millennium". Drawing, collage, 2000, (48 x 39 cm)
- "Wind" I. Drawing, 2004, (48 x 32 cm)
- "Wind" II. Drawing, 2004, (48 x 35 cm)
- "Desert road" I. Drawing, 2005, (45 x 33 cm)
- "Desert road" II. Drawing, 2005, (45 x 33 cm)
- "Desert road" III." Drawing, 2005, (45 x 33 cm)
- "Red glove" I. Drawing, collage, 2009
- "Red glove" II. Drawing, collage, 2009
- "Breakfast with Dracula" I. Drawing, collage, 2003
- "Breakfast with Dracula" II. Drawing, collage, 2003
- "Breakfast with Dracula" III. Drawing, collage, 2003
- "Invisible obstacle" I. Digital graphics, 2002
- "Invisible obstacle" II. Digital graphics, 2002